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Earth science or geoscience is a widely embraced term for the fields of science related to the planet Earth. It is the branch of science dealing with the physical constitution of the earth and its atmosphere. Earth science is the study of our planet’s physical characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods to fossils. Earth science can be considered to be a branch of planetary science, but with a much older history.

Here's a basic image about earth:

When did the Big Bang theory first originate and with whom?

1920's by Georges Lemaitre that was subsequently supported through research by Hubble.

The Big Bang Theory from Lila Campiz on Vimeo.

Here's other subjects you can take a look:

The darkness of the night sky - Olbers' paradox.

The Hubble Law - the linear distance vs redshift law. The data are now very good.

Homogeneity - fair data showing that our location in the Universe is not special.

Isotropy - very strong data showing that the sky looks the same in all directions to 1 part in 100,000.


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